Inspiring Excellence

Destiny School

Destiny School Title I

 Title one is the largest federal aid program for public schools. The program provides additional funds for educating students in need of reading assistance. These funds are designated to assist children in meeting challenging academic standards.

Who does Title I serve?

Title I serves children at Destiny School in grades K-8 that are identified most in need of educational help to meet state standards.

How does Title I work?

Each year, the federal government provides Title I funding to the states. The State Educational Agencies (SEA) allocate money to school districts. The Local Education Agency (LEA) or school district,  identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funding and resources to these schools.

How do Title I schools keep parents informed and involved?

  • Holding an annual meeting to explain Title I policy and programs;
  • Giving parents up-to-date information about their children;
  • Offering parents a flexible number of meetings on Title I;
  • Providing families with a compact entered by the school, the parent, and the child acknowledging responsibility for student success